Pizza Night!
Who doesn't loveeee pizza?!? We do in my house. Pizza has been a stable just about every week for nearly 10 years in my home. Families all across the nation eat tens of thousands, or more, of pizza pies each year. The list of toppings, crusts, cheese, no cheese, and sauces are endless. I decided many, many years ago that I was going to stop purchasing pizza (filling the pockets of franchise giants) and learn how to make pizza. Making pizza as a family is not only a blast, but can save you MONEY! I know some of you reading right now are saying Joyaaaa, I have no idea how to make pizza dough, it's too hard....I've tried before and it turned out sticky and gross. Number 1.) Try again with a different recipe. Number 2.) You can buy premade pizza dough. Number 3.) Eating pizza is a great way to get your veggies in. You see, most people shy away from making their own pizza out of fear of two things that share the same name; th...